Friday, July 27, 2007

Hi Ate Us?

Generally, when you're gone from something for the better part of four months and you've got nothing to show for it and less excuse for it, they call it going on hiatus. I've seen it called that, or sabbatical if you're a college professor, vacation if you work for a living, or just plain old-fashioned "I got nothing" laziness if you're me.

However, with the wife of your very own personal friend known only as John Q. Public's wife growing her wings and deciding to try her hand at this mostly useless and requisite to nothing pastime that we call "blogging," I've decided to come out of my self-imposed retirement and find things on the internet that are worth nothing less than a verbiage-laced waste of time to post here.
That said, I'll direct you right on over to what's known as "The Apprentice Wife," composed entirely by Mrs. Q. Public, if you will.

Beyond that, I've got little or nothing to offer for the remainder of this post, so once again I'll bid you adieu with the promise of things to come right here at Greater Failure.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you're back. :-) - mom